
XlsTicFactory(self, tic_dat_factory)

Primary class for reading/writing Excel files with TicDat objects. Your system will need the xlrd package to read .xls files, the openpyxl package to read xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files, the xlwt package to write .xls files, and the xlsxwriter package to write .xlsx files. Don't create this object explicitly. A XlsTicDatFactory will automatically be associated with the xls attribute of the parent TicDatFactory.



Create a TicDat object from an Excel file

:param xls_file_path: An Excel file containing sheets whose names match the table names in the schema.

:param row_offsets: (optional) A mapping from table names to initial number of rows to skip

:param headers_present: Boolean. Does the first row of data contain the column headers?

:param treat_inf_as_infinity: Boolean. Treat the "inf" string (case insensitive) as as infinity. Similar for "-inf"

:param freeze_it: boolean. should the returned object be frozen?

:return: a TicDat object populated by the matching sheets.

caveats: Missing sheets resolve to an empty table, but missing fields on matching sheets throw an Exception. Sheet names are considered case insensitive, and white space is replaced with underscore for table name matching. Field names are considered case insensitive, but white space is respected. (ticdat supports whitespace in field names but not table names). The following two caveats apply only if data_types are used. --> Any field for which an empty string is invalid data and None is valid data will replace the empty string with None. --> Any field for which must_be_int is true will replace numeric data that satisfies int(x)==x with int(x). In other words, the ticdat equivalent of pandas.read_excel convert_float is to set must_be_int to true in data_types.



Find the row counts for duplicated rows.

:param xls_file_path: An Excel file containing sheets whose names match the table names in the schema (non primary key tables ignored).

:param row_offsets: (optional) A mapping from table names to initial number of rows to skip (non primary key tables ignored)

:param headers_present: Boolean. Does the first row of data contain the column headers?

caveats: Missing sheets resolve to an empty table, but missing primary fields on matching sheets throw an Exception. Sheet names are considered case insensitive.

:return: A dictionary whose keys are the table names for the primary key tables. Each value of the return dictionary is itself a dictionary. The inner dictionary is keyed by the primary key values encountered in the table, and the value is the count of records in the Excel sheet with this primary key. Row counts smaller than 2 are pruned off, as they aren't duplicates



write the ticDat data to an excel file

:param tic_dat: the data object to write (typically a TicDat)

:param file_path: The file path of the excel file to create Needs to end in either ".xls" or ".xlsx" The latter is capable of writing out larger tables, but the former handles infinity seamlessly. If ".xlsx" then be advised that +/- float("inf") will be replaced with "inf"/"-inf", unless infinity_io_flag is being applied.

:param allow_overwrite: boolean - are we allowed to overwrite an existing file? case_space_sheet_names: boolean - make best guesses how to add spaces and upper case characters to sheet names


caveats: None may be written out as an empty string. This reflects the behavior of xlwt.